Standardized Prospects

The future of high-stakes
sales encounter role play.

man, woman, microphone, mic, podcast, radio, news, broadcast.svg

Standardized Prospects

Inspired by the medical field. Perfected by us.

When medical students need to pass their bedside manner exam they take a 12-encounter comprehensive test where professional actors play the Standardized Patients with certain ailments.

A medical board works together to draft the scripts & assessment criteria the actors will use. Then actors portray in real-time the patient personas and afterwards use a rubrix to grade the doctorate student.

The question soon became "Why not for sales?" Role play fails not because it isn't important or effective, but because in a standard sales environment no one is equipped to deliver it authentically.

I'm guessing you didn't hire your sales manager for her degree in theater, right?

Why not for sales?

When we have millions of dollars on the line, why don't we do everything necessary to win?

Reps Need Reps

Don't let your reps wait until the big game. More at-bats means more opportunities for your team to understand the important aspects of an encounter before revenue is on the line.

Conversational Analysis

Only so much can be automated by software. Conversations are above all else, human. They need other humans to assess the intangibles that usually make or break a call.

Shared Growth

Studying ultra-high performers are the best way to improve over-all teams. This forum allows all skill-sets to learn from each other on stock encounters.

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